In this ten-week course, we’ll search for the origins of the dynamic. We will learn on how the different planets influence everything on Earth – people, animals, plants and the soil. Studying our solar system will reveal the existence of highly developed spiritual beings. To grow crops, fruit and herbs that have real nutritional value and genuine life force in this age, we need to get to know these Spiritual Beings, the angelic hierarchies.
These Beings tell us when to act through the positions of the planets: when to sow and plant, and when leaves, roots, flowers and fruits are forming. The course focus is on doing things at the right time.
The role of the Opposing Forces, which hinder the development of our consciousness, will also be discussed.
Living and working dynamically means learning to think independently, making a start towards training your higher consciousness. Learn to let the power of your own mind connect with all material, such as the soil, the plants, the worlds of the ‘bugs’, and how to deal with your fellow humans. This process brings you closer and closer to the essence of our existence. The goal of this course is to bring all the knowledge stored in our subconscious back into our memories, and to live it and give it shape in our daily lives.
The teaching material is based mainly on the Earth itself: its place in the solar system, as the planet supporting all life, the four elements, and questions like: what is soil? How are nutrients created? Where do they come from and how do they get into our crops?
There will be much emphasis on making compost, crop rotation and intercropping, using the right constellations to assist the crops, eating vegetables fresh from the garden all year round without having to freeze anything – and much more.
The instructor is Carmencita de Ruiter. Please ring 0031-23-5277953 or send an e-mail to for more information.
Duration: 10 consecutive weeks.
Time: 19.00-21.30, 9 January through 13 March 2017.
Place: Vuurtonstraat 1, 2034 KL Haarlem.
Cost: € 200,-